Mass Tort Lawyers in New York
Making Your Voice Heard in Court
When numerous people have claims against a single product or device, their cases may be consolidated into a mass tort, a single action, as opposed to individual lawsuits. This can serve various purposes. Combining all the claims can lend strength to the case against the defendant, not only in the evidence presented, but in the resources allocated to prosecute the matter. It also keeps the courts from being overwhelmed by dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of similar claims against a single product.
At Sultzer & Lipari, we handle mass torts in New York and across the U.S., including:
- Opioid Cases: Our trial attorneys are currently working with cities, states, and counties that have been affected by the opioid crisis, seeking accountability by bringing at-fault drug manufacturers to court.
- Toxic Torts: Our toxic tort practice is aimed at the representation of individuals and jurisdictions who have suffered harm from toxic substances such as lead, benzene, Roundup weed killer, and opioids.
- Product Liability Matters: If a consumer product or medical device is defective or improperly designed, it may cause significant harm. We handle mass torts against manufacturers, distributors, and other at-fault parties for their defective and dangerous products.
Our trial attorneys have experience both defending and prosecuting mass torts, giving us a clear picture of the methods and motives on both sides of the docket. We believe every voice should be heard and that a single person can make a difference in a case against a large corporation that has caused harm to many.
Contact our New York mass tort attorneys at (800) 552-0265 to find out how we can help you.
What Is a Mass Tort?
A mass tort is a civil action that involves the consolidation of many individual lawsuits into a single action. This applies in cases where numerous plaintiffs have suffered harm from the same device or product. They are consolidated into a single case against a defendant or defendants.
Common examples of mass torts include cases against:
- Manufacturers of defective products
- Manufacturers of medical devices
- Manufacturers of drugs (prescription and over the counter)
- Citizens of a geographic area who suffered from toxic exposure
Class Action Vs. Mass Tort
Mass torts are often confused with class actions because they involve the consolidation of multiple lawsuits into a single case. They differ, however, in that each plaintiff’s claim will receive individual attention with regard to the specific damages suffered. In a class action, all the plaintiffs are essentially treated as one plaintiff. Another key difference is that class actions are often more specific than mass torts, involving the same or similar harm, whereas there is some leeway in mass torts regarding the type or extent of injuries experienced.
You Can Make a Difference: Contact Our NY Offices!
Our New York mass tort lawyers at Sultzer & Lipari are here to help, regardless of the type of harm you have suffered or whether you have an individual lawsuit, class action, or mass tort. Our breadth of experience is extensive, and we offer a free initial consultation to talk to you about your concerns and the ways we can assist you.
It may be difficult to believe, but a every person makes a difference in a mass tort. Make your voice heard. Seek justice and a brighter future with the team at Sultzer & Lipari on your side.
Call (800) 552-0265 today or contact us online to discuss your case and needs.

Our Testimonials
Hear from Our Clients, Peers, and Judges Across the Country
I'm delighted that you were able to resolve this. I think very highly of lawyers who actually take on these matters.- Judge Philip M. Halpern - United States District Court for the Southern District of New York
The Sultzer Firm has many highly-qualified and capable and experienced lawyers representing plaintiffs in consumer class actions.- Judge Kenneth M. Karas - United States District Court for the Southern District of New York
Counsel has demonstrated strong knowledge of the applicable law throughout the briefing process for this class certification motion.- Judge Mark C. Scarsi - United States District Court for the Central District of California
Class Counsel have prosecuted the Litigation with skill, perseverance, and diligence, as reflected by the Settlement Fund achieved.- Judge Román - United States District Court for the Southern District of New York
The firms’ expertise and competency in the class action context are reflected by the favorable outcomes.- Judge Gold - United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York
Plaintiffs’ Counsel have worked diligently and are experienced and well-versed in wage and hour cases and class actions.
- Judge Lawrence E. Kahn - United States District Court for the Northern District of New York -
My research found that he is the best in his field.- John
Judge Cogan stated that “the fact that I’m looking at 2022 index number on this case is, in itself, a testament to the efficiency of plaintiffs’ counsel’s efforts.”- Judge Brian M. Cogan - United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York

A Record that Speaks for Itself
Over A Billion Dollars Won for Injured or Defrauded Clients
$1.3 Billion Automobile Defect
$22.5 Million Brain Injury Case
$10 Million Brain Injury Case
$3.5 Million Burn Injury Case
Burn Injury Case

Why Choose Our Firm?
The Right Firm Can Make the Difference
At Sultzer & Lipari, we place our clients at the heart of everything we do. Our dedicated team ensures personalized attention and tailored legal strategies to meet each client's unique needs, ensuring the best possible outcomes in every case.
Sultzer & Lipari is one of the most sophisticated and successful class action firms in the country, recovering hundreds of millions of dollars for aggrieved consumers, employees, investors and small businesses nationwide.
Our attorneys are renowned by clients, courts, and adversaries for their creativity and tenacity in the courtroom.
The seasoned trial attorneys at Sultzer & Lipari possess over 100 years of collective experience in complex civil disputes.
Our attorneys have an unparalleled record of victories in complex commercial litigation & class action cases in nearly every state throughout the country.
We have recovered over $1 billion for injured or defrauded clients, winning virtually every case we've tried or obtaining a superb settlement along the way.